Learning a new language can seem like an impossible task. As someone who speaks four languages, I can surely say that learning a language opens many doors of opportunities. Whether I am traveling through old cities like Ouro Preto or enjoying an urban art tour in Rio, knowing the local language has painted my world with unimaginably, beautiful colors. Below are nine creative ways to learn or re-learn a foreign language.

Consume Media in the Foreign Language
One of the best methods I found for learning or maintaining a fading language is utilizing free media sources. I grew up speaking Afaan Oromo and Amharic- two of the major languages in Ethiopia. One way I maintain my reading skills in these languages is through reading online articles. I particularly like reading content from Addis Standard, a trilingual independent media offering news ranging from politics, business and culture in Ethiopia. There are excellent resources to begin building voluntary online and get a sense of the new language.
Listen to Language Podcasts
Another create way to learn a language is by using podcasts. I love listening to podcasts early in the morning over coffee or on my way to work. It does not take high levels of concentration and I find it to be a passive, yet effective, form of learning a language. When I started learning Portuguese, I began with Lingua da Gente, a conversational podcast that gave me some basic survival Portuguese language skills. Other podcasts like VEJA Musica and Papo De Politica were excellent resources to explore both my passion for music and international politics. Find a podcast that you love and listen to it consistently to build your language skills.
Follow a Food Blog & Recipes in Foreign Language
By far, my favorite way to build vocabulary is learning words related to food! Shortly after moving to Brazil, I made a friend who had a terrific food blog. She gave me access to her e-book and it was quite amazing how many words I learned from her e-book. Food vocabulary not only helps decorate your kitchen with fine cuisine; it also gives you a window into the cultural norms and customs that define a society.
Watch Youtube Videos and Movies in the Foreign Language
One of my favorite ways to hone my Afaan Oromo language skills is listening to youtube music videos! Like podcasts, music allows you to learn a language effortlessly. If you want to go the extra mile, print the lyrics to a music and study the words. Thanks to subtitles, I also love watching movies in a foreign language. The best type of foreign movies to begin with are ones with series. A friend of mine picked-up Spanish by watching Spanish novelas! Because plots in a series tend to be repetitive, many words and phrases will reappear, allowing your brain to register the language through the art of repetition.
Make Flashcards of New Vocabulary
Many researches show that writing by hand on physical paper leads to improved memory. If you want to take your language learning to a different level, get some flashcards and write new vocabularies on a flashcard. To better remember the words, put the new vocabulary into sentences you will remember. Read these sentences out-loud three or four times during the week and watch your master mind register the new vocabulary. Another excellent resource for making online flascards is Duolingo. I love this app and practice new Portugese words with it often.
Utilize Online Language Learning Platforms
There are many types of language learning resources online. From Italki to Rosetta Stone, online platforms are an excellent way to practice a language. Whether you are seriously learning a language before moving abroad or prepping for your next vacation, these online platforms offer ample opportunities to get you started.
Speak with a Local
Speaking with a local is a powerful way to improve your language-learning skills. Whether it’s through attending language meet-up groups through eventbrite or asking friends for a reference, find a local speaker or community you can practice the new language with. These interactions create a way for new relationships and make your language learning journey enjoyable.
Embrace Creativity in a Foreign Language
One of my favorite ways of learning Portuguese is writing out my favorite bible verses and memorizing them. Again, the act of writing builds muscle memory. As a musician, I also took guitar lessons in Portuguese. When you embrace creativity in a foreign language, you begin to internalize new vocabulary. In the long-term, this increases your chances of retaining the foreign language.
Full Immersion
If you are serious about learning a language, the fastest and most effective way of learning is full immersion. There are excellent fellowships and programs that facilitate studying, volunteering, or working abroad. Although these opportunities can often feel like a dive into deep waters, they are an excellent way of learning a foreign language and building lasting relationships.
If you are curious about some of the ways to work abroad, check out this post on fellowship programs to serve abroad with the U.S. government.
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